Commonly Asked Questions
Are all chemical products the same?
No. To meet the pricing demands of large wholesale buyers many chemical suppliers are willing to reduce the quality of their product by watering down their liquid chemicals and adding fillers to their powdered products. This means you have to use more chemicals (often then what’s even instructed on the label) and spend more money. To compound the problem many of these suppliers don’t adhere to strict quality controls, so the product consistency often varies. Which means you will need to relearn the amount of chemicals needed to care for your hot tub water after each purchase.
Also some large wholesale and online company’s package hot tub chemicals that should primarily be used only in swimming pools. Pool chemicals may be less expensive, but they are often the primary cause of damage to spa components (pump seals, electric heating coils, etc.).
We strongly recommend that in deciding which hot tub chemicals you purchase you ask these simple questions:
Where were these chemicals manufactured?
Am I buying chemicals designed for hot tubs or pools?
What is the true concentration of this formula?
Can I be assured that it will be the same the next time I purchase it?
Why should I use SpaEase Chemicals?
SpaEase Chemicals are made in the USA. All of our chemicals have been specifically formulated for hot tubs (not swimming pools), include the highest concentrations of active ingredients available, and are produced within highly monitored quality control standards. The owners of Hot Tub Discounts have been one of the largest suppliers of hot tub chemicals in the US for many years. Their high volume purchasing allows Hot Tub Discounts to sell you the safest and best chemicals available at the lowest prices in the country. Yes, even lower than many online and mass merchant retailers.
At Hot Tub Discounts we care about the products we sell and the customers who use them.
How Often Should I Change My Water?
The common answer voiced by all is every 90 to 120 days but it actually depends on how much chemicals you’ve added to your water. The more often you use your spa the more chemicals you use causing a high TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) level. A high TDS level means your water is over saturated and your chemicals become ineffective. Think of continuing to add a teaspoon of salt to a cup of water. Each teaspoon raises the salt content and at a certain point your water becomes saturated and the new salt merely settles at the bottom of the cup. AquaChek TDS test strips are the simplest method of knowing when to change your water. When you change your water remember to clean your acrylic shell with an approved cleaning product.
Do Chemical Products have a shelf life?
Most chemicals do not have a shelf life as long as they are kept in a temperature controlled, dry environment. Liquid chemical products that freeze-up and granular products that become hardened should be disposed of. Test Strips, unlike chemicals, do have a shelf life and also can be damaged by being exposed to moisture and excessive heat.
What is Scaling in the Water?
Scaling is a precipitation (like barnacles) that forms on the internal spa components along with the spa shell when they are in contact with water where the calcium hardness, pH, or total alkalinity is too high. The longer it remains on the spa surface the more difficult it is to remove. Since it is only the result of poor water maintenance or hard source water it is not covered by any spa manufacturer’s warranty.